Frequently Asked Questions about Remote Viewing
Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about Remote Viewing.
▼ What is Remote Viewing and what´s behind it?
▼ Where does Remote Viewing come from and who discovered and developed it?
▼ How and why has Remote Viewing been working for more than 40 years?
▼ What is the difference between the CRV, TRV, IRT, ARV, HSRV and RVP methods in Remote Viewing?
▼ What are the benefits of Remote Viewing?
▼ How reliable is Remote Viewing?
▼ What do the coordinates or numbers in Remote Viewing mean?
▼ What is the protocol for Remote Viewing?
▼ What is right for me, an Education or an Online-Course in Remote Viewing?
What is Remote Viewing and what´s behind it?
With "Remote Viewing" (R.V). or "Remote Perception" (R.P.) is the learnt ability to obtain information about life forms, locations, things and events independent of time and space. Scientific knowledge proves that every human being has this innate ability. ▲
Where does Remote Viewing come from and who discovered and developed it?
There have always been reports about people who correctly forecast future events. Systematically, Remote Viewing was first examined by the Americans. In 1970 the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park (California / USA) which was affiliated with Stanford University, started experiments with a team of natural embowed psychics. The project was founded by the American physicist Harold Puthoff, supported by his colleague Russell Targ. The experiments led to the so-called Coordinate Remote Viewing (C.R.V.), which, together with the resulting variations, is generally referred to as "Remote Viewing".
From 1973 to 1988, very intensive experiments were carried out. In 1990, the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) in Palo Alto (CaliforniaUSA) took over the program. They were headed by Edwin May.
Since 1970, the Remote-Viewing-Project has received financial support from US federal agencies - including the Army, Navy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - because a " Psychic Gap" had been identified with the Soviet Union (now Russia) in the early 1970s. The group, consisting of six natural endowed psychics, worked in isolation on military projects. For example, they tried to discover nuclear missiles, secret military sites and underground stations. At the end of the 1970s, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) stood in for the CIA and codenamed the project "Stargate". In 1989, the program was initially declared secret. In 24 years, the government had supported the activities of the group with a total of 20 million US dollars.
Remote-Viewing-Experiments were also conducted at Princeton University. Robert Jahn headed Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) and presented a well-founded report in 1987 in the United States of America (USA) with the book "Margins of Reality". Another basis were the Ganzfeld-Experiments of Charles Honorton from Edinburgh (Scotland). In these experiments, sensorically shielded test subjects in the laboratory were to sketch out what they had seen of the video clips or images that agents watched in an adjacent room. This was one of the most successful trials in recent decades.
The Freiburg " Institute for Frontier Areas of Psychology and Mental Health (IGPP)" also carried out an experiment in which the agent (Elmar Gruber) was in Rome (Italy) and the recipient (Marilyn Schlitz) wrote down her impressions in Minnesota (USA). The report on the successful trials was published in December 1980.
Strict criteria must be observed to ensure that a remote viewing attempt is not just a board game. There must be no connection between the recipient and the agent. The target must be selected randomly before the attempt, preferably by a computer. The sketches and descriptions of the recipient must be evaluated according to a fixed key by a judge (better: several judges) who knows neither the goal nor the parties involved. In the Freiburg experiment, the match was given with a number between 1 (very low) and 10 (perfect or a "hit"). The Princeton tests worked with a much more detailed experimental setup.
In a normal attempt, the target is selected randomly. The agent travels there, looks around for 10 to 15 minutes and can concentrate on the contours of the target area or even think of the recipient. The recipient sits at the same time miles away in a shielded room and speaks what he perceives into a microphone and makes sketches. This takes place at a fixed time, because the recipient may be 1,000 kilometers away. The recipient could be successful even before the target was selected or even hours after the agent was there. Time does not seem - so a common experience in PSI experiments - to be a barrier.
In 1995, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) published large parts of the secret research information by the United States of America (USA). ▲
How and why has Remote Viewing been working for more than 40 years?
The technique of Remote Viewing is based on the fact that the Remote Viewer (seer) uses an extrasensory technique to try to perceive things, places, life forms or events with his subconscious, which he cannot perceive with his usual five senses (smell, taste, see, feel, hear). The target to be recorded may be located at a distance in space and/or time or may be present invisibly in a sealed envelope, e.g. as an image (photo). At the beginning of a Remote Viewing session, the Remote Viewer does not know what he should "see" or perceive (blind session). Thus, the result of a session is not influenced by the fantasies and/or the memory content of the Remote Viewer. Studies have shown that Remote Viewing is arbitrarily reproducible and practically applicable. ▲
What is the difference between the CRV, TRV, IRT, ARV, HSRV and RVP methods in Remote Viewing?
The difference between Coordinated Remote Viewing (C.R.V.) and Technical Remote Viewing (T.R.V.) and other Remote-Viewing-Techniques lies in the structure and details of the process protocol. The CRV protocol is the protocol originally developed by the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California (USA) in the 1970s. The first American remote viewers learned exactly these methods and worked with them every day. After Remote Viewing became known through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in 1995, these methods were further developed and other protocols and techniques such as Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) have been created. Building on past experience and new scientific findings (neural networks, swarm intelligence), the Remote Viewing Laboratories (R.V.L.) have been conducting their own research with renowned universities and private institutes since 2006. The results of this research are the Remote Viewing methods „Information Research Technique“ (I.R.T.)“, Authentic Remote Viewing“ (A.R.V.), „Remote Viewing Processing“ (R.V.P.) and „High Speed Remote Viewing“ (H.S.R.V.), already known today as "Manual for the Brain". These Remote Viewing methods are taught in a practice-oriented manner world-wide in trainings at the Remote Viewing School and Online Courses at the Remote Viewing College. ▲
What are the benefits of Remote Viewing?
Once you have taken the first steps in your Education or Online Course in Remote Viewing, you will discover that you have thousands of ideas for using Remote Viewing - whether private or professional. ▲
How reliable is Remote Viewing?
Scientific evidence proves - Remote Viewing is 100% correct. However, it should be borne in mind that the most important factor that plays a role in remote viewing is the human being. A Remote Viewer can therefore not be compared to a machine, but, like any other professional, is subject to his personal condition and his daily form. To weigh all these factors, it is sufficient to provide 75% correct information in training or online-courses as well as later in projects. To achieve our goal of 100% correct information, Remote Viewing has no lone fighters, only team players. The information of all Remote Viewers of a team (up to 35 members), which were compiled for a task, are summarized in a research report. This makes it possible to balance the "human" factor. ▲
What do the coordinates or numbers in Remote Viewing mean?
The coordinates (task number) are randomly selected combinations of numbers representing the task (target) in Remote Viewing. In the early days of Remote Viewing, longitude and latitude (geographical coordinates) of the Earth were given to the Remote Viewer to make the search result verifiable. Later it was discovered that the Remote Viewer did not need any coordinates or numbers to describe the destination. The Remote Viewer or remote viewer only had to be instructed to "view" the corresponding target - and this still works today. In order to be able to archive the countless researches, the coordinates serve today only as task numbers (file number) for archiving Remote Viewing projects. The Remote Viewing BackOffice currently contains an archive of more than 500,000 researches from over 2,000 different projects. ▲
What is the protocol for Remote Viewing?
The (procedure)protocol is the working instruction (a kind "user manual for the brain") on which the Remote Viewing technology is based on. Only through these instructions (step by step) Remote Viewing works. This work instruction (from general to specific) is subject to a fixed structure and a kind of "command structure" consisting of approx. 600 steps. All steps about Remote Viewing are explained in detail and underlined with examples in our Handbook/Textbook and in our Teaching Videos. ▲
What is right for me, an Education or an Online-Course in Remote Viewing?
The contents of both are the same. The same tools, the same procedures and the same goal, certified Remote Viewer. While you come to one of our training centers to start an education and then practice from home, the Online Course takes place completely from home. The Online Course is therefore more suitable for autodidacts. ▲
Please also pay attention to the "Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ" concerning the educations of the Remote Viewing School and the Online Courses of the Remote Viewing College.